We are a group of living historians based in Ohio. Some of us have a direct connection to the American Civil War while others have a deep love of history. Our goal is to help create a deeper connection to America's past not only for ourselves but for anyone interested in history. Through our dedication to authenticity, we provide a hands-on educational experience. Our group is a great way to learn new skills such as sewing, cooking over a fire, camping in all weather with minimal equipment, and various field crafts. Each year we participate in reenactments and living history events in several states. Our premier event is our annual living history at Spangler's Spring at the Gettysburg National Military Park. If you are interested in joining our ranks us or have any questions, feel free to contact us.
*The members of the 4th Virginia Infantry, Company A do not tolerate any behavior that is racist or inappropriate. Any potential members are thoroughly vetted.